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The Hyper Grid Exchange is a virtual marketplace and currency platform for virtually any OpenSim based virtual worlds. The currency uses MyOpenGrid tokens. These tokens are used to buy and sell virtual products or services in any OpenSim based virtual environment.
One of the most valuable benefits of using the HG Exchange Platform is the level of security provided by our module and servers. You can rest at ease while shopping or running your business in any OpenSim environment using our module. The transactions are not transferred between OpenSim regions/grids, all transactions are handled internally by our servers and will only be processed once the user has authorized payments through their secure login.
To use HG Exchange you need to have an account with us. If you don't have an account yet, please create one here. After you will need to register an avatar from any grid or region so you can start shopping.
You will need to register your avatar in order to access the exchange module. Which means you will register your avatar (from any grid or region) to your account on HG Exchange.
You can register as many avatars as you like. There is no limit.
When in-world look for the Exchange ATM. You can find a list of available ATM's here. Click on the ATM and it will ask you if you want to link your avatar , then click yes. You will receive a link for you to sign in and complete. Once you've authorized your avatar to be registered, you're ready to go.
Your HG exchange account is basically an account which holds all of your avatars from any grid and their respective Myopengrid tokens.